Want to master money? Just tithe. Bishop Oyedepo is the pastor of The Winners’ Chapel in Nigeria. He claims tithing conveys mastery over believers’ finances. This suggests that paying tithes is either proof of your money mastery or can lead to you master your money.
In either case, is this true? Is it biblical? The answer is no. Why? Because real-life situations and biblical facts prove, tithing doesn’t mean a believer has mastery over money.
Please note: A Ghanaian news outlet published comments Bishop Oyedepo has made about tithing. Over the next few weeks, I will deal with each statement. The point is to determine whether his teachings are true or false.
Let’s get into it.
Table of Contents
- Listen to Podcast
- Tithing But Still Struggling Financially
- Money Mastery Starts With Your Mindset
- Why Tithing Doesn’t Work
- Summary
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Listen to Podcast
Tithing But Still Struggling Financially
Tithing doesn’t give you mastery over your finances.
Tithing doesn’t solve financial problems. Millions of Christians pay tithes to the churches. In other words, they pay 10% of their income. However, many of these same Christians remain in debt, poverty, or financial lack. So, a believer can be consistent with paying tithes and not meet the needs of their household.
For example, many tithe-paying Christians lost their homes to foreclosures during the home loan scandal in the mid-2000s. Even a famous boxer paid tithes to a prominent church in Atlanta, and he lost his mansion in foreclosure.
This shows us that a believer can have mastery of paying tithes to a church but lack mastery over their household expenses.
It shows you how to maintain the church house while losing your house. So tithing is not indicative of good financial stewardship.
You can maintain the church house while losing your own house.
Money Mastery Starts With Your Mindset

Mastery over your finances requires the right money mindset. The practice of tithing reflects a religious mindset. But is not a mindset that translates into acquiring, increasing, or multiplying your income.
People who enjoy material wealth or financial freedom have a money mastery mindset. Why? Because their mindset produces the right habits that empower them to accumulate material possessions. For example, they have a habit of saving, investing, obtaining assets, owning businesses, etc.
This shows us that your religious mindset and habits, such as tithing, can keep you broke. This is especially true when you understand money and how it works.
Tithing can keep you broke.
Why Tithing Doesn’t Work
Tithing doesn’t guarantee financial prosperity. The Lord didn’t promise anyone material riches based solely on tithing. For example, any reference to ancient Hebrew Israelites receiving blessings for their tithes was within the context of the Mosaic Law covenant (Malachi 3:10).
Remember, the Lord’s blessings for Israel were contingent upon them obeying all his commandments (Deuteronomy 28: 1-2). The Lord didn’t treat tithing as a standalone commandment. But prosperity preachers do, which is not biblical.
The Lord never made a Mosaic Law covenant with Gentiles. In this case, Christians. Therefore, Christians don’t receive financial blessings associated with tithing. So it’s false teaching to tell Christians (Gentiles) they demonstrate mastery over the money when they tithe.
The Lord didn’t treat tithing as a standalone commandment.
Is tithing evidence that you have mastery over your money? No. Here’s why. One, there are millions of believers who are tithing but still struggling financially. The home foreclosure scandal of the 2000s is just one example. There were mainstream news stories of Christians who paid tithes to the church house and lost their houses.
Two, the road to money mastery begins with the right money mindset and money habits. These include everything from making investments to owning successful businesses.
Finally, the Lord didn’t promise Gentiles (or Christians) blessings in exchange for tithes. The tithe was required for ancient Hebrew Israelites under the Mosaic Law covenant. So, no biblical proof supports the doctrine that tithing means you have money mastery.
Outsmart the False Teachers

If you want to discover more tithe facts, I encourage you to get a copy of The Tithing Hoax. This book provides in-depth information on how to give the RIGHT way. It also offers helpful tips based on Scripture.
Thanks for reading, and be blessed!
Source: “Tithing Isn’t A Church Doctrine, It’s A Covenant Of The Kingdom” Bishop Oyedepo”