Prosperity Gospel preachers will do just about anything for your tithes and offerings. And this includes engaging in outrageous religious practices.
Why is this important?
Because believers keep falling for these religious stunts…and giving away their hard-earned money to what some critics call fake pastors. This is a problem in the modern-day church, especially among those who follow the Prosperity Gospel.
Right now, I’ll cover 3 of the most insane prosperity preacher antics taking place right now that I recently discovered.
Table of Contents
- A Cancer in the Church
- Listen to Podcast
- 1. Making It Rain on Believers
- 2. The Money Bath
- 3. The Resurrection Scam
- Summary
- Outsmart the False Teachers
A Cancer in the Church
We must keep our eye on this Prosperity Gospel. Why? Because it’s like cancer spreading throughout the body of Christ. It started in the United States. Now it has metastasized (or spread) to Christians worldwide.
Believers affected by the cancerous doctrine live in all parts of the world, from Africa and Asia to Central America and South America.
What’s the problem with this doctrine?
It’s a false gospel of hope promising “health, wealth, and riches” to many of the world’s poorest people.
What’s the result?
The poor people remain poor while prosperity preachers keep getting rich.
Aside from spreading false hope, these prosperity preachers use religious tricks that capture their followers’ imaginations…
And keeps them hooked on false doctrines of prosperity.
Let’s get into three strange things these preachers do for money.
Listen to Podcast
1. Making It Rain on Believers
There’s a pastor in Nigeria who’s known for throwing money at his followers. They call him Indabocki, which means liquid metal. Some consider him one of the fake pastors in Nigeria.
So why is he spraying money on these folks as if they’re strippers?
I’m not sure. But here’s my theory…
I call it the “Lottery Effect.”
For example, a person can spend $100 on scratch-offs to win $10.
Will that $10 get that person any closer to living the life of their dreams?
The answer…
Heck no!
But the fact they won some money makes them feel good…
And it motivates them to keep buying more scratch-offs to win more “free money.”
Well, it’s the same dynamic in this pastor’s church.
Many of his followers probably face financial hardships. They believe in the Prosperity Gospel. So they pay tithes and offerings, expecting a miraculous breakthrough.
Now, back to the lottery analogy.
A person can buy scratch-offs every day for several weeks…or months without winning anything. By this time, they may get discouraged and stop buying scratch-offs.
Then bam!
They win $25.
Now, their discouragement has turned into hope. So, they keep buying scratch-offs, expecting to win again.
Free Money Isn’t Free
It seems the pastor is giving away just enough money to his congregation to keep them engaged with his ministry.
Let me state this point another way.
If his church members start doubting or questioning his prosperity teachings, he lavishes them with money. And they’ll forget all those tithes and offerings they pay…even though they remain “broke, busted, and disgusted” month after month…and year after year.
Here’s another thought I have.
I don’t know how much money he throws at the people. But I bet you this…
It’s nothing compared to what he gets from the people.
For example, can he afford to throw hundreds of dollars at his followers if he’s making millions off them?
Again, it’s the lottery effect.
The lottery can afford to have people win $10, $50, or $100 here and there with scratch-offs. Do you know why? Because the lottery makes billions!
People get excited about winning a few dollars. But the people selling the scratch-offs (and lotto tickets) are getting rich.
In this case, the pastor gives his followers “chump change.” And they give him thousands (or millions) in tithes and offerings.
Put another way, he’s giving them seeds so they can give him their harvest.
Now, that’s a word!
2. The Money Bath
Another Nigerian pastor almost broke the Internet with his “get rich” shenanigans. Pastor Oneyeze had a plan for his followers to get paid.
And what was it?
He threw money into a river. Next, he told grown men and women to get butt naked. And then had them get in the river.
Now, these are Christians.
And this is what they did…
They took off all their clothes…got naked in front of each other…jumped into a river with money floating in it, hoping they’d get rich.
These are not witches, warlocks, newagers, or devil worshippers. These are devout Christians covered in the blood of Jesus. I’m just sayin’.
Now, this pastor’s foolishness didn’t stop there.
I said I would reveal three strange things prosperity preachers do for money…but consider this a bonus.
So, what’s more outrageous than this pastor’s money bath ritual?
Raising the Death
How about raising seven people from the dead?
That’s right.
Seven corpses.
This man planned on going to hospitals and mortuaries to resurrect those dry bones.
Yeshua (aka Jesus the Christ) told his disciples they would do greater things than he did, but I don’t know if this is what he had in mind.
Anyway, the pastor didn’t get a chance to raise the dead. Instead, the local Nigerian authorities stopped him.
“Dude, you’re going too far. Leave these dead folks alone.”
Even they were like, “Dude, you’re going too far. Leave these dead folks alone.”
Part of me thinks it was a publicity stunt. The pastor knew he couldn’t get away with that plan. Plus, he knew he wouldn’t raise anybody from the dead.
But the idea of him resurrecting dead bodies makes him appear more “godly” in the eyes of his followers.
The possibility of him raising seven people from the dead reinforces the belief in his followers’ minds that he’s a powerful “man of God”…
And worthy of their tithes and offerings.
Now, let’s move on to the final strange religious trick.

3. The Resurrection Scam
Ok. Pastor Oneyeze didn’t get the chance to raise the dead. But another pastor did. Let me introduce you to Pastor Alph Lukau, who has a church in South Africa.
The pastor had a coffin with a dead man in his church. But “passa” performed a full-blown resurrection. And it took place while the church was live-streaming its service.
The video went viral on social media…
And spawned a hashtag…#ResurrectionChallenge.
Plus, the story blew up in the news there in South Africa.
It turns out the resurrection was fake.
Ah, you think?
Here’s an interesting tidbit…
This wasn’t the first time Pastor Alph performed a “miracle” on the young man who was “resurrected.”
On a previous occasion, the young man showed up at church in a wheelchair so the pastor could “heal” him during service. He wasn’t disabled. So it was all a sham.
Because of this, some people view this “man of God” as one of those fake pastors in South Africa.
There you have it, three of the strange things prosperity preachers do for tithes and offerings. First, we have one preacher who showers his followers with money as if they’re strippers at a strip club.
Then there’s another pastor who tosses money in a river. Then, he has his congregation get naked so they can bathe in the river. I guess this is a ritual to help his followers get rich.
Finally, a prosperity preacher raised a dead man from a coffin. As it turns out, it was a stunt.
Why do these preachers do things?
Well, all roads lead back to money.
These prosperity preachers put on a show. Their followers believe what they see. The stunts reinforce the belief that these are powerful men of God.
As a result, their congregations have no problem giving these men their money.
Outsmart the False Teachers

If you want to discover more tithe facts, I encourage you to get a copy of The Tithing Hoax. This book provides in-depth information on how to give the RIGHT way. It also offers helpful tips based on Scripture.
Thanks for reading, and be blessed!
Source: A YouTube Lazarus is raising questions on regulating churches in South Africa