The Bible doesn’t support the belief that tithing prevents greed. This refers to both the biblical tithe (crops and livestock) and the man-made tithe (10% of one’s income). However, the Bible and history show how tithing can contribute to greed.

Table of Contents
- Watch the Video
- Another Tithe Teaching Debunked
- How God Views the Role of the Tithe
- Jesus Rebukes Greedy Tithers
- How the Early Church Avoided Greed
- How Tithing Corrupted the Church
- Recap
- Outsmart the Prosperity Gospel Preachers
Watch the Video
Another Tithe Teaching Debunked
Some tithe advocates proclaim the solution for greed is paying God 10% of your income. This teaching is based on two faulty assumptions. One, it assumes people who don’t tithe are greedy. Two, it assumes that people who tithe don’t have a spirit of greed. Scripture and historical records debunk both assumptions. An honest study of the biblical text and church history reveals tithing doesn’t help with eliminating greed.
How God Views the Role of the Tithe
The Lord never established tithes to end greed. The Old Covenant clearly states the Lord’s original intent for tithing. The biblical tithe served three functions. One, it provided support for the newly-established Aaronic priesthood (Exodus 28:1). Two, it replaced the land inheritance for the tribe of Levi (Numbers 18:24). Three, it ensured provisions for Israel’s poor, which included the Levites, widows, fatherless, and strangers (Deuteronomy 26:12).
According to the Blue Letter Bible, tithes are mentioned 24 times in the KJV Bible. None of these verses identify tithing as a way of ending greed.
Jesus Rebukes Greedy Tithers
The Gospels provide more evidence that tithing doesn’t prevent greed. The scribes and Pharisees were devout tithers (Luke 11:42). They interpreted and taught the Mosaic Law. They were so into tithing that they expanded the definition of a tithe.
The Old Covenant limited it to agricultural produce and livestock. They expanded it to include herbs and spices from small gardens (Should the Church Teach Tithe? page 88). They were super-tithers!
However, they were among the greediest people in Hebrew society. How do we know this? Because Jesus called them out. Jesus rebukes them for being “full of greed and self-indulgence” (Matthew 23: 25-26). Despite being tithers, the scribes and Pharisees were still filled with avarice.
How the Early Church Avoided Greed
The early New Testament church went out of its way to avoid greed. The apostles often worked trades while preaching the gospel. For example, the Apostle Paul never stopped working as a tent-maker during his ministry and rarely accepted financial support. He never wanted anyone to think he preached the gospel for money (2 Corinthians 8:20-21).
Even though the early New Testament Church didn’t tithe, greed was an issue. According to the Blue Letter Bible, 11 NIV Gospels and New Testament verses address greed. For instance, the Apostle Paul warns Timothy about corrupting the gospel for profit (1 Timothy 6:3-5). However, nowhere does the New Testament say tithing is a solution for overcoming gluttony.
1 Timothy 6:3-5
3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4 they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5 and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
New International Version (NIV)
How Tithing Corrupted the Church
History shows tithing contributed to greed in the Christian church. Roman Emperors Constantine and Charlemagne made it a requirement that Christians pay tithes (Guthrie Memorial Chapel). What was the result? It led to the exploitation of poor believers.
The bishop-priests lived lavish lifestyles while tithers struggled to make ends meet. The Roman Church (Roman Catholic Church) amassed vast riches and land off the backs of poor people. Additionally, the church began selling indulgences.
In other words, the Pope made believers pay tithes and/or money for salvation. The poor believed they could pay to be forgiven for their sins. They believed paying the church money would keep them out of hell and/or purgatory.
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses documents how the Roman Catholic Church exploited poor believers. Luther was a German theologian and priest who challenged the doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. His protest led to what is known as the Protestant Reformation Movement (
History teaches us that even religious leaders who receive tithes (or money) are susceptible to greed.
Does tithing prevent greed? No. Biblical text and church history prove that tithing doesn’t do away with covetousness. The first evidence supporting this claim is God’s purpose for the tithe.
The Lord created the tithe for three specific reasons. One, the tithe supported the creation of the Old Covenant Aaronic/Levitical priesthood (Exodus 28:1). Two, it was a substitute for the Levite’s land inheritance (Numbers 18:24). Finally, it provided sustenance for the poor people in ancient Israel (Deuteronomy 26:12). Although the KJV Bible mentions tithes 25 times, it never speaks of tithing as a solution for greed.
The Gospels give us a clear example of how tithers can be greedy. The scribes and Pharisees were devout tithers (Luke 11:42). However, Jesus rebuked them for their greed (Matthew 23: 25-26). This is further biblical proof that tithing doesn’t prevent greed.
The New Testament has many warnings about greed. The word is mentioned 13 times in the NIV Bible. There’s no verse stating tithing helps Christians overcome avarice.
History shows us how tithing can lead to greed. Once the Roman Empire took over the Christian church and implemented tithing, the financial exploitation of the poor escalated. The Roman Church (Roman Catholic Church) amassed vast wealth and property off the backs of poor, tithe-paying believers. The church even had them pay money to have their sins forgiven.
The modern-day teaching that tithing prevents greed isn’t true. Both the Bible and history refute this doctrine.
Outsmart the Prosperity Gospel Preachers

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