One of our viewers wants to know: How to communicate the truth about tithing in scripture? What’s the best way to talk to people about this hoax? I have a couple of tips on how to share the truth about tithing.

Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- 1. Don’t Argue or Debate
- 2. Only Share When People Have Questions
- Find Out More
Listen to the Podcast
1. Don’t Argue or Debate
Don’t argue or debate with tithers. Don’t push the truth on them. Why? Because there are some Christians who can’t handle the truth, don’t want to know the truth, or aren’t ready to receive the truth. In situations like that, you do what Jesus told his disciples.
Matthew 10:14
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.
2. Only Share When People Have Questions
Share what you know about tithing ONLY when someone asks questions about the topic. When a person asks questions, it opens the door for dialogue.
This is when you share what you know about tithes. Point them to resources like this channel and any websites and books that speak the truth about tithing. By doing this, you’re planting seeds, which will multiply.
This is the good soil Jesus talks about in the Parable of the Sower.
Matthew 13:20
Yet others are like the seeds sown on good soil. They hear the word, receive it, and produce a crop—thirtyfold, sixtyfold, or a hundredfold.
How do you communicate the truth about tithing in Scripture? What’s the Best Way to Talk to people about this Hoax?
1. Don’t argue and debate with Christians not ready to hear the truth about tithing.
2. Share what you know about tithing with people who want to learn the truth and provide them with additional resources for their study.
Find Out More

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the church doesn’t want you to know. Click here. All verses listed are from the King James Version of the Bible unless stated otherwise.