A Pastor Claims Rich Preachers Aren’t Following Christ

A rich luxry car

A senior pastor in Nigeria is fed up with rich pastors preaching prosperity sermons. Pastor Adewale Giwa, who heads the Awaiting the Second Coming of Christ ministry, is an outspoken opponent of the prosperity gospel movement that has overtaken his country. A Nigerian publication quotes him as saying: “Any pastor having two, three, or four […]

3 Strange Things Prosperity Preachers Do (For Money)

Man with a shocked look o his face

Prosperity Gospel preachers will do just about anything for your tithes and offerings. And this includes engaging in outrageous religious practices. Why is this important? Because believers keep falling for these religious stunts…and giving away their hard-earned money to what some critics call fake pastors. This is a problem in the modern-day church, especially among […]

3 Reasons Why Fake Pastors Are on the Rise in Nigeria

Man holding a white face mask

Fake pastors are running amok in Nigeria. That’s what the Daily Post reports. One place, Anambra State, is a hotbed for these types of preachers. Well, I have three reasons why this phenomenon is taking place. It has to do with the profession of ministry, the get-rich-quick hustle, and the demand for hope. Let’s get […]

Why Prosperity Preachers Trick Believers With Weird Rituals

Skeleton in the coffin

There are prosperity preachers who will do just about anything for fame, money, and power. One of these things is using over-the-top antics. These acts range from raising people from the dead to having church members take “money baths” in a river to get rich. One critic called these behaviors outlandish rituals. But why do […]

3 Reasons Why Prophecies Fail


The Bible says false prophets will arise (Matthew 24:11). So, it’s not surprising that many prophecies don’t come to pass. How is this possible with so many men and women in the modern church saying they had the gift of prophecy? Well, prophecies do fail. And I have three insights on why it happens. Let’s […]

Is Tithing a Kingdom Mystery?

typewriter with paper in it that says investigation

Tithing is a kingdom mystery, according to Bishop Oyedepo. He’s the founder and leader of The Winners’ Chapel in Nigeria. The bishop makes tithing sound like a supernatural act that believers can’t comprehend with their own understanding. It also implies that believers should tithe because it’s related to God’s kingdom. But what does the Bible […]

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