Is Tithing a Kingdom Mystery?

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Tithing is a kingdom mystery, according to Bishop Oyedepo. He’s the founder and leader of The Winners’ Chapel in Nigeria. The bishop makes tithing sound like a supernatural act that believers can’t comprehend with their own understanding.

It also implies that believers should tithe because it’s related to God’s kingdom. But what does the Bible say? Well, the Bible reveals a different perspective on the bishop’s claim.

Is tithing a kingdom mystery? I say no. Tithing is not a kingdom mystery. And here’s why I say that.

Please note: A Ghanaian news outlet published comments Bishop Oyedepo has made about tithing. Over the next few weeks, I will deal with each statement. The point is to determine whether his teachings are true or false.

Let’s get into it.

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Emotional Manipulation in the Church

Claiming the tithe is a kingdom mystery is a form of emotional manipulation. When the bishop frames tithing as a kingdom mystery, he makes it sound like a supernatural practice beyond the believers’ comprehension.

Often people are drawn to mysterious things. In this case, it makes tithing more enticing, alluring, and blank. The result is unsuspecting believers are drawn into tithing because they think they’re participating in a powerful supernatural act. But the reality is their fascination with the spiritual world is being exploited.

Kingdom Mysteries Revealed

Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) didn’t teach that tithing was a kingdom mystery. This is important because revealing kingdom mysteries are the foundation of Yeshua’s ministry. He revealed how God’s kingdom works to his fellow Hebrews, especially his disciples. He shared kingdom mysteries through parables, such as the following:

• Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32)
• Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)
• Parable of the Soils (Matthew 13:1-23

Yeshua also demonstrated the kingdom by healing people (Matthew 8:16; 15:30; 21:14).

In the Gospels, Yeshua mentions tithing, but he doesn’t teach tithing. He only says tithing to point out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Yeshua rebukes them for engaging in the tithing of herbs while ignoring more important matters, such as mercy and justice.

So, as we study the ministry of Yeshua, we discover that tithing was not viewed or taught as a kingdom mystery.

Yeshua didn’t teach that tithing was a kingdom mystery.


The Tithe Is Practical, Not a Mystery

Tithing is a legalistic practice. The biblical tithe is part of the Mosaic Law covenant. As such, there was nothing mysterious about it. Instead, it was a practical way of supporting the tribe of Levi, who didn’t receive a land inheritance (Deuteronomy 10:9).

Additionally, the poor received tithes, such as widows, fatherless children, and strangers within the nation of ancient Israel (Deuteronomy 26:12).

Again, the Bible doesn’t portray tithing as a mysterious kingdom act. Instead, it was a legally mandated command the Lord required to support the Levitical priesthood and the poor among the Hebrew Israelites. There’s nothing mysterious about that.

Consider this. You have a job and receive a paycheck. Each month you take a portion and pay your bills. Is that mysterious? Of course not.

What’s the point?

Paying your bills is a practical act. Likewise, paying tithes to the Levites was a practical way of supporting them. Therefore, there’s nothing mysterious about paying tithes. The ancient Israelites were fulfilling their responsibility according to the Mosaic Law covenant.

The Bible doesn’t portray tithing as a kingdom mystery.


Is tithing a kingdom mystery? No. Not according to the Bible. One, claiming tithing as a kingdom mystery, plays on the believers’ emotions. Framing tithing as a kingdom mystery entices believers to participate in what they think is a powerful, supernatural act that supports the kingdom.

Two, Yeshua didn’t teach tithing. He didn’t proclaim it as a kingdom mystery. Yeshuah reveals several kingdom mysteries in the Gospels, such as the parables of the mustard seed, wheat and tares, and the soils. However, tithing was not a part of these mysteries.

Finally, the Bible doesn’t portray tithing as a kingdom mystery. In the Old Testament and the Gospels, tithing was a practical way of supporting Levites and the poor. It was a legal act established under the Mosaic Law Covenant.

There is no basis for claiming tithing is a kingdom mystery. So, we determine that this teaching is a false doctrine.

Break Free From the Tithe Deception

Book cover for The Tithng Hoax

Discover the truth about tithes the church doesn’t want you to know. Go here.

Source: “Tithing Isn’t A Church Doctrine, It’s A Covenant Of The Kingdom” Bishop Oyedepo”



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