Seeking out God is one of the three biblical prosperity principles. How do we seek God? Praying is a great place to begin, focusing on building a relationship with God. Meditation is also key in seeking God. It opens us up to spiritual insights.
Finally, fasting helps us gain greater self-discipline while drawing closer to our Creator. By following these three easy practices—prayer, meditation, and fasting—we set ourselves to reap the many benefits of seeking God’s help on our journey toward prosperity.
THERE IS A difference between the Prosperity Gospel and Biblical Prosperity. In short, the Prosperity Gospel is self-centered, materialistic, and dressed in Christian clothing. Personally, I have no problem with the Prosperity Gospel message of living a healthy and prosperous lifestyle.
Table of Contents
- The Gospel Falls Short
- How to Experience Bible-Based Prosperity
- Seeking God
- The God Within
- Frequently Asked Questions About the Prosperity Gospel
- Outsmart the False Teachers
The Gospel Falls Short

However, I know that prosperity is not limited to material possessions. And that is one of the issues I have with the Prosperity Gospel is that it overemphasizes material wealth.
Another issue I have with the Prosperity Gospel is its approach to obtaining prosperity.
The Prosperity Gospel, in essence, teaches believers that speaking words of faith and paying so-called tithes will make you rich or get you out of debt. There are several problems with this.
One is that it mixes the Mosaic Law (tithes) with New Testament Grace. Doing so binds Christians to a Law that does not apply to them. If the Law binds you, then you can not experience the fullness of New Testament Grace.
Secondly, the Prosperity Gospel’s “formula” for getting rich is simplistic. I have stated that if wealth creation were as simple as having faith and paying so-called tithes, every Christian following the Prosperity Gospel doctrine would be rich. But many people following the doctrine are still J.O.B. – just over broke. Yet, the preachers of this doctrine are reaping the financial benefits.
How to Experience Bible-Based Prosperity
How do you experience Biblical Prosperity? 2 Chronicles 31:21 sums up biblical prosperity well.
2 Chronicles 31:21, KJV
And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.
The “he” refers to King Hezekiah, the King of Judah. This verse identifies the three principles that resulted in King Hezekiah’s prosperity.
These principles are:
- Seeking God
- Obeying God
- Serving God
Let’s call these the S.O.S. Prosperity Principles. These principles represent the biblical path to prosperity instead of the get-rich-quick, pie-in-the-sky approach of the Prosperity Gospel.
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Seeking God
The Most High is the source of everything. There is no lack of God. The opposite of lack is prosperity. Prosperity and God go hand-in-hand. If we’re seeking prosperity, then we must go to the source. Thus, seeking God is the first prosperity principle.
Matthew 6:31-33, NIV
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Notice Jesus didn’t say, “Send me a seed offering or 10 percent of your income, and God will hook you up.” He said, “Seek God and his righteousness.”
The reference to righteousness lets us know there is a right way of doing things. There is God’s way, and then there is our way. How often have you sought God’s guidance, turned right around, and done things your way?
So, we can not overlook the importance of righteousness (i.e., following the ways of God).
Righteousness requires submission. In other words, submitting our will to the will of The Most High. That means putting aside our ego, flesh, or carnal approach to conducting our lives.
Proverbs 16:25, NIV
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
So, we must balance our natural instincts with spiritual discipline. By doing so, we remain in alignment with the righteousness of God.
When seeking God, we must know where to look. Where is God?
Luke 17:20-21, KJV
Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.
Jesus is addressing the Pharisees. The Pharisees were very religious people. They were strict followers of the Mosaic Law. They viewed the world through a religious lens and did not perceive things on a spiritual level. They took the teachings of Jesus quite literally.
Therefore, when Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God, the Pharisees think he speaks of a physical kingdom like those established by men.
When Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation,” he’s implying that the Kingdom of God can not be seen in the natural. In other words, it is a spiritual reality, not a physical place.
For example, if someone asked for directions on how to get to the Kingdom of God, it’s not like you can say: “Take Highway 107. Get off on exit 10. Turn right at the first stop sign. Go down two blocks, and the Kingdom of God is on your left.”
The God Within
Jesus explains that “the kingdom of God is within you.” This is an important insight Jesus shares.
How do we seek the Kingdom of God within us?
One definition of prayer is to request or ask. Prayer is one spiritual practice that aligns us with God’s righteousness. Each time we pray, we’re working a spiritual muscle.
You’re developing your spiritual sensitivity by incorporating prayer into your daily routine. You are, in effect, training yourself to see, hear, and feel God’s presence in your life as the answers to your prayers are revealed. You are also learning how God operates in your life. Furthermore, you are developing your trust and faith in God.
Long, drawn-out, or wordy prayers are not necessary. God is no more impressed by a 1-minute prayer than an hour-long one. Longer prayers don’t bring you faster or better results. Keep it simple.
Matthew 6: 7-8, NIV
And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him (Matthew 6: 7-8, NIV).
Like prayer, meditation does not have to be complicated. “Be still, and I know that I am God.” Be still. Be quiet. Take some time each day to do this. During meditation, ask God a question and listen for an answer.
God speaks to us in that “still small voice.” This voice gives us ideas, instructions, guidance, assistance, desires, etc. God provides us with what we need to live a prosperous life.
Fasting is a form of abstinence. When we think of fasting, we think of abstaining from food. But consider another fast – fasting from daily distractions. We exist in a society that relishes multitasking, indulges in information overload, and confuses busyness with productivity.
We are inundated with outside influences, voices, and information that clutter our mental space. I suggest fasting from this madness. Turn off the TV, radio, and cell phone for a while. Don’t hang out with friends and family for a while.
Fasting from some daily activities helps de-clutter our mental space and develops our ability to hear God’s voice.
John 10:27, NIV
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
So these are a few tips on how to apply the 1st Prosperity Principle of seeking God. Next week, we’ll explore the 2nd Prosperity Principle – Obeying God.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Prosperity Gospel
When Did the Prosperity Gospel Start?
The Prosperity Gospel, also known as the “health and wealth” gospel, began to gain significant traction in the United States during the mid-20th century. Its roots can be traced back to the Pentecostal movement in the early 1900s, but it became particularly prominent in the 1950s and 1960s with the rise of televangelists. The theology emphasizes that faith, positive speech, and tithing will increase one’s material wealth and physical health.
Who Invented the Prosperity Gospel?
The Prosperity Gospel doesn’t have a single “inventor,” but its development can be traced back to various religious leaders and movements in the early to mid-20th century. E.W. Kenyon, a preacher in the early 1900s, is often credited with laying some of the foundational teachings of the Prosperity Gospel.
However, in the mid-20th century, with televangelists like Oral Roberts and later Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, and others, the Prosperity Gospel began to gain significant traction and became more widely recognized. These preachers emphasized faith, positive confession, and seed-faith giving to secure personal health, wealth, and success.
What Are the Signs of a Prosperity Gospel Church?
Signs of a Prosperity Gospel church typically emphasize material wealth and physical health as primary indicators of God’s favor. These churches often teach that financial blessings and good health are rewards for faith, positive confessions, and tithing to the church or its leaders.
Sermons in such churches might frequently focus on sowing financial “seeds” to reap greater monetary returns. Another sign is the portrayal of the pastor or church leader living a lavish lifestyle, often justified as evidence of the “blessings” that come with faith and giving.
Outsmart the False Teachers

If you want to learn more about tithing and other ways to give back, get a copy of The Tithing Hoax book! This book is filled with information on tithing and provides Bible verses that discuss different aspects of giving.
Thank you for listening, and be blessed!