Every non-tither isn’t stingy. There are legitimate reasons why many believers don’t tithe. Some may struggle to find a congregation that aligns with their goals and vision, while others don’t feel like they can afford it after all their other responsibilities. On top of that, the lack of transparency in many church finances can also contribute to hesitancy about giving money away. Whatever the reason, it’s important to respect and understand those who choose not to tithe.

“ARE NON-TITHERS STINGY?” is the second lesson in a 9-part teaching series entitled “A Pastor Rebukes Non-Tither.” This teaching series addresses the major points and/or comments a pastor made in a letter to one of our YouTube subscribers. The pastor is pro-tithing, and the YouTube subscriber does not practice tithing.
Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- A Word From a Pastor
- Blessings for Ancient Israel
- A Believer’s Spirit
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Listen to the Podcast
A Word From a Pastor
In this lesson, we will address the following statement, which is an exact quote from the pastor’s letter:
“Secondly, even if you started to tithe now you would not gain the benefit from it because you have a stingy spirit towards God.”
Key points addressed in this lesson:
1. The modern-day tithe is not biblical.
2. The biblical tithe does not benefit Christians.
3. Stinginess is not determined by whether someone pays so-called tithes.
Blessings for Ancient Israel
The belief that Christians receive benefits from tithing is not supported by scripture. According to the Bible, the Lord only commanded certain members of the ancient nation of Israel to tithe. The tithe command is one of the 613 commandments of the Law of Moses. Any blessings associated with tithing were for ancient Israel ONLY.
However, ancient Israel did not receive blessings just for tithing. Ancient Israel had to follow ALL 613 commandments to receive blessings (or benefits) from the Lord. Biblical tithing was practiced ONLY among ancient Hebrew Israelites – not Christians.
A Believer’s Spirit
In addition, a believer’s heart or spirit is not measured by the so-called tithe. The so-called tithe is not a reliable or justifiable litmus test for someone’s relationship with God. There are innumerable ways in which people express their generosity and love for God that cannot be measured by money. The so-called tithe is not an indicator of one’s faith, love, or generosity.
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.