The tithe was not voluntary. The tithe command was part of the Mosaic Law (the Old Covenant). Under this Law, ancient Israel was required to pay tithes. As a Christian, you’re under no obligation to tithe. The New Testament believers are free from paying tithes, whether voluntary or mandatory.

Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- The Tithe Command
- What the Tithe Command Means for Christians
- Find Out More
Listen to the Podcast
The Tithe Command
One of our viewers wants to know if tithing is voluntary.
In Exodus 27: 7-8, God established a covenant with ancient Israel. This is called the Old Covenant (the Mosaic Covenant or Mosaic Law).
Exodus 27: 7-8
7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.”
8 Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words (NIV).””
The Covenant constituted consisted of 613 commandments that ancient Israel had to follow. These commands were mandatory. Since tithing was one of those commandments, it was a mandatory practice under the Old Covenant. Therefore, tithing was not voluntary under the Old Covenant.
What the Tithe Command Means for Christians
What does this mean for Christians today?
It means tithing is neither voluntary nor mandatory for you because it’s not part of the New Covenant. There’s no need to pay tithes in any form or fashion under any condition.
Is tithing voluntary?
Under the Old Covenant (or Mosaic Law, tithing was NOT voluntary because God required ancient Israel to pay tithes.
As a Christian, you are free from the tithe because it’s not part of the New Covenant. So, it’s neither voluntary nor mandatory for you.
Find Out More

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the church doesn’t want you to know. Click here. All verses listed are from the King James Version of the Bible unless stated otherwise.