Here’s the biblical truth about Christian tithing: the Bible does not require Christians to pay tithes. This is because the tithe command from the Mosaic Law only applies to ancient Hebrew Israelites. The Mosaic Law was abolished with the coming of Jesus. Therefore, Christians have no legal obligation to contribute a tenth of their income for religious purposes. Christians should give freely with a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:7).

MANY CHRISTIANS BELIEVE that tithing is their duty. Some preachers teach God commands them to tithe. In this video, I speak about placing the tithing commandment in its proper biblical context.
Why Christian Tithing Isn’t Your Duty as a Believer
In doing this, we see the connection between tithing, the Mosaic Law (or the Law of Moses), and ancient Israel. The connection reveals that the Bible does not support the concept of Christian tithing as either a duty or a commandment.
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The following is an edited version of the video transcript.
The Keepers of the Tithe Command
So let’s go to question number two: Who was commanded to tithe?
Of course in the Christian Church, we always hear God and the Bible say Christians must tithe and that tithing is a Christian obligation; it is part of the Christian duty. However, when we study and read the Bible for ourselves, we find that teaching is not accurate.
Nowhere in the bible does it ever say, suggest, or imply that Christians are to tithe or to practice tithing. So when we understand that then we must ask the question:
If the tithe commandment doesn’t apply, who is commanded to tithe?
The answer is ancient Israel.
The Tithe Under the Mosaic Law
When we talk about tithing, we must place the commandment in its proper biblical context. For instance, many Christians may not be familiar with Mosaic Law. So I’m just going to give a brief overview of what it is and how it relates to tithing.
The Mosaic Law (or Law of Moses) is a covenant between ancient Israel and God. This covenant consists of numerous commandments. According to biblical scholars, the Mosaic Law has 613 commandments. And tithing is just one of those commands.
The LORD gave these commandments to the Hebrews which includes the tithing command. Under this Old Covenant, the instruction to tithe applies only to the ancient Israelites.
A Final Word
The Old Covenant is not a covenant between Christians and God. This covenant (Mosaic Law) was made between ancient Israel and God. Therefore, the tithe command only applies to ancient Israel, not Christians.
Outsmart the False Teachers

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