GOD GAVE ME The Tithing Hoax assignment over a decade ago. I’ve been working on this platform off and on since then. Plus, it has never been my primary source of income. I was earning my living as a freelance writer and search engine evaluator. By December 2019, I considered myself done with The Tithing Hoax.
Little did I know 2020 would open with a bang. When COVID-19 hit, it hurt my pockets. I lost 95% of my income. I figured it was time for me to start looking for a new career opportunity (which I did). But God had other plans.
Table of Contents
- Needing a Breakthrough During an Unexpected Crisis
- Being Chased by the Holy Spirit
- Reading Financial Blessings Versus
- Following God’s Unusual Instruction
- Receiving Provision Amid a Famine
- Recap
Needing a Breakthrough During an Unexpected Crisis
I lost my primary income source. It’s January 2020, so it’s time to generate another money stream. You know how it is. The income stopped, but the bills didn’t. I thought I had two options: find another job or start a new business.
At the beginning of 2020, lockdowns started taking place. With the lockdowns, businesses closed, the unemployment rate rose, and the economy declined. Landing a good job can take an average of six months in a healthy economy. I could start a business, but that could take years to get. What I needed was a “right now” financial breakthrough.
Being Chased by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit was in my ear for several months during 2019. I describe it as a gentle nagging that wouldn’t go away. It was the voice of God telling me to return to The Tithing Hoax. As far as I was concerned, I was done with the topic. I believed I had completed my assignment. Meanwhile, I was preoccupied with improving my financial situation.
As a spiritual teacher, I knew my money woes had a spiritual aspect. So, I reread the Gospels to see how Jesus (Yahshuah) performed miracles in addition to a book called Seeds for Covenant Wealth. Father Yah drew me to a scripture that opened my eyes to Bible-based testimonies of God doing the impossible.
Reading Financial Blessings Versus
The game-changer was Genesis 26:1; 12-14. In the scriptures, God instructed Isaac to remain in a land suffering from famine. Today, we would call it an economic recession or depression. However, God blessed him with a supernatural increase, provision, and prosperity. Why did this happen?
Well, Isaac followed the kingdom’s Law of Obedience. God told Isaac to stay in the land, and he did. On the surface, God’s instruction made no sense. Why stay in a land ravished by famine? It’s like God telling someone to stay in a neighborhood without businesses, jobs, grocery stores, or anything. So, the first instinct is to leave. You’re thinking, how can I thrive, let alone survive, under these conditions?
Fortunately, God’s ways are not our ways. Isaac knew this and trusted God. To obey God, you must trust God. As Kingdom citizens, we must be comfortable not knowing why Father Yah wants us to do something. We must stop trying to figure out how God will come through for us.
Sometimes, God’s instruction makes no sense in the natural. Naturally, it made sense for me to hurry up to find another job. However, the Most High said to return to The Tithing Hoax. After months of hearing God’s instruction, I finally became a doer of His word (James 1:22-25).
Sometimes God’s instruction makes no sense in natural.
Following God’s Unusual Instruction
In February 2020, I resumed work on The Tithing Hoax platform. I made it my top priority. For example, I redesigned the website an added new content. I made preparations for updating and revising The Tithing Hoax book. I stepped away for a few months because I left town to handle a family situation. Upon returning, I worked on my assignment passionately, joyfully, and enthusiastically.

Receiving Provision Amid a Famine
The Holy Spirit gave me so many ideas for expanding God’s kingdom. I received prophetic revelations about COVID-19 that I put in a book entitled End Times Pandemic. Plus, the Holy Spirit began revealing to me kingdom principles and laws. Of course, that’s not all.
I received a financial blessing from God. During 2019, the Lord opened doors of provision for me. Because of this, I could focus all my time, energy, and attention on The Tithing Hoax platform. I always had enough funds to pay my bills, invest in my kingdom work, and give money to needy people. My obedience to God’s instruction opened the door to my financial breakthrough.
Above all, I like, love, and enjoy my work. This is what I call heaven on earth (aka kingdom living). God will always provide as long as I am obedient to His instructions.
You can receive a financial blessing during a season of lack. It happened to Isaac in Genesis 26:1; 12-14. God told him to stay in a land with famine and sow there. Isaac obeyed the Lord’s instruction, and Father Yah blessed him with a hundredfold increase the same year.
What happened to Isaac happened to me. In early 2020, I faced financial famine. I lost 95% of my income. I sought guidance from God on how to improve my circumstances. God told me to resume work on The Tithing Hoax platform, which I did.
What happened is Father Yah provided for me throughout 2020. He gave me the provision for The Tithing Hoax vision. I could pay my bills and give money to others in need. He turned my financial famine into an overflow of abundance.
My experience with the kingdom laws is one of my true stories of faith in God. I have more I’ll share with you. In these testimonies of faith, I pray they inspire you to trust God with everything in your life, including your money.