Over the years, certain prosperity gospel preachers have told Christians to ‘sow seeds’ to gain God’s favor. Sowing seeds is a clever money hustle to coax even more money out of believers. The premise behind “sowing seeds” is that when you give money to preachers, God will give you a 30, 60, or 100-fold harvest. Unfortunately, it’s a desperate attempt by preachers to enrich themselves at the expense of their congregations.

In this episode of The Tithing Hoax Podcast, I discuss whether sowing seeds is a new money hustle. As more Christians learn the truth about tithes, is sowing seeds replacing tithing to get more money out of people?
Table of Contents
- Sowing Seeds vs. Tithing
- Is It a Hustle?
- Reality Check
- Listen to the Podcast
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Sowing Seeds vs. Tithing
I think more and more preachers are (or will) emphasizing sowing seeds rather than paying tithes.
1. Christians Are More Educated About Tithing
They are learning that scripture does not support the modern-day tithe (paying God 10 percent of your income). As a result, they are less likely to pay so-called tithes to a church, ministry, or preacher. So, preachers shift from telling followers to pay tithes to sowing seeds.
2. Sowing Seeds Doesn’t Have a Negative Overtone
It sounds better than “pay your tithes” or “give us some money.” Increasingly, more Christians are turned off by tithing, and sowing seeds is viewed more favorably. It doesn’t have the negative baggage that tithing does.
3. Sowing Seeds May Be a More Effective
Asking Christians to sow seeds may be a better way of generating money. It’s more appealing than asking people to tithe. Also, sowing seeds implies that the money you sow (give) will be returned to you. As a result, people may be more inclined to sow a seed (give money).
Is It a Hustle?
Yes and no. As I stated in an earlier podcast, there’s nothing wrong with preachers using sowing seeds as a metaphor for giving money. As with anything, it becomes a hustle in the hands of a hustler. There are many upstanding preachers, but there are bad apples who use religion as their hustle.
The challenge is to recognize the hustle. Red flags should go up when you hear things like this:
- When you sow your seed, you’ll receive a 30, 60, or 100-fold return.
- Your seed (money) will multiply when you sow it.
- If you want your blessing, you must sow your seed.
Reality Check
Many of us grew up in church or have gone to church all our life. We gave hundreds and thousands of dollars to the church and preacher during that time. If it were true that your money (seed) multiplied or you would receive a 30, 60, or 100-fold return, you would be a millionaire or multimillionaire by now!
Watch out for the hustle!
Listen to the Podcast
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.