Tithing is often thought of as the go-to action for receiving God’s blessings, but this is not true. Tithing does not guarantee a believer will receive anything in return from God. Additionally, relying on a tithe to secure God’s favor will only lead to disappointment. If you seek God’s joy and peace, always seek Him through prayer instead of your money.

Table of Contents
- Receiving God’s Blessings Without Paying Tithes
- Old Testament Blessings
- A Better Way to Receive Blessings
- Listen to the Podcast
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Receiving God’s Blessings Without Paying Tithes
We received a question from one of our visitors, asking if tithing is a way of seeking God’s face for blessings. IN THIS EPISODE of The Tithing Hoax Podcast, I reveal five New Testament principles for receiving God’s blessings.
Old Testament Blessings
In the Old Testament, specifically under the Mosaic Law, God did bless ancient Israel when they tithed. However, ancient Israel also had to follow the other 612 commandments of the Mosaic Law to receive those blessings.
Said another way, ancient Israel’s blessings resulted from their obedience to the WHOLE Law, not just the tithing commandment.
A Better Way to Receive Blessings
Remember, the Mosaic Law is the covenant between God and ancient Israel. The Christian covenant is the New Testament. Under the New Testament, tithes are not required, and there are no blessings associated with tithing for the Christian believer.
The question now becomes: How Do Christians Receive God’s Blessings?
Listen to the Podcast
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.