Is paying tithes necessary? Was God’s tithe law unfair? He only required a tithe from farmers and herdsmen, not wage earners (Leviticus 27:30-33). Those who worked as craftsmen, merchants, and other trades weren’t subject to the tithe. God only wanted tithes from harvested crops and livestock from His land.

IN THE FREE Tithe Study Guide, I reveal that God did not require everyone in ancient Israel to pay tithes. Specifically, those who earned wages as skilled workers. One of our visitors who read the Study made the following comment:
Table of Contents
Listen to the Podcast
Tune in to The Tithing Hoax Podcast as I answer these questions.
God Is Unfair
Your viewpoint means the law of God was unfair. Some tithed others didn’t (because of their profession).
Another thing is the Bible never said the engravers and weavers, etc. didn’t farm or raise cattle.
3 Big Questions
- Why didn’t God require everyone to tithe?
- If God didn’t require everyone to pay tithes, does that mean God was being unfair?
- Why are pro-tithing preachers saying ALL Christians must tithe if God did not require everyone to pay tithes?
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.