The prosperity gospel is a false teaching. It claims that if one has enough faith in God, you will be rewarded with material wealth. Unfortunately, this is not likely to happen for most Christians as it goes against the central tenets of Christianity.
Jesus showed us in his ministry on Earth that poverty and suffering can be used to grow closer to God while leaving behind the temptations of material gain. Christian believers must stay grounded in the teachings that Jesus brought and not get distracted by offerings of material wealth.

A Controversial Doctrine
This controversial doctrine became a part of mainstream American Christianity in the 1980s. For over 20 years, the Prosperity Gospel has enriched several preachers and enabled them to live lavish lifestyles. However, the masses of Christians who follow this doctrine and financially support this movement aren’t as fortunate.
Listen to the Podcast
IN THIS EPISODE of The Tithing Hoax podcast, I explore six ways the Prosperity Gospel does more harm than good to the Christian believer.
The Prosperity Gospel proclaims God will bless Christians with material riches as long they have faith, speak positive words, pay tithes and offerings, and sow seeds to Christian ministries.
Discover why the “average” Christian won’t prosper from the Prosperity Gospel.
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.