The biblical tithe served multiple purposes. Its primary purpose was to compensate the tribe of Levi for their service in the Tabernacle. The tithe consisted of agricultural produce, so the Levites ate and drank the tithes they received from the other 11 tribes. As simple and straightforward as this is, The Lord had guidelines on how they consumed the tithes.
Table of Contents
- Watch the Video
- The Call of the Levites
- The Levites Inheritance
- The Aaronic Priesthood Lineage
- Thou Shalt Eat The Tithes
- Tithes for the Festivals
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Recap
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Watch the Video
The Call of the Levites
The Lord thy God set the tribe of Levi apart from the other 11 tribes. He required them to perform duties in the Tabernacle/Temple (1 Chronicles 23:32). Additionally, they were the only tribe that didn’t receive a land inheritance (Deuteronomy 10:9). This allowed them to devote their time to the Tabernacle/Temple while also teaching them to rely on God as their source.
The Levites Inheritance
God established the Levitical priesthood using the tithing system. The Lord established this system through the Mosaic Law Covenant. The Lord commanded the other 11 tribes of ancient Israel to pay tithes to the tribe of Levi. This is commonly known as the Levitical tithe.
The tithe consisted of wine, grain, fruit, olive oil, and cattle. The Levites received this compensation in exchange for their service (Numbers 18:32).
The Aaronic Priesthood Lineage
What was a Levite? Keep in mind that not all Levites were priests. However, all priests were Levites. The distinction is twofold. One, the Levites were assistants to the priests (Numbers 3:6). Two, the priests were descendants of the sons of Aaron (Exodus 28:1).
In other words, the only Levites who could serve as priests were from Aaron’s bloodline. Now, let’s dive into what the Levites did with the tithes.
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Thou Shalt Eat The Tithes

The tithe given to the Levites is called the Levitical tithe. The Levites, not the priests, took the tithe and divided it among themselves. Then they ate and drank the tithe. However, they couldn’t consume all the tithes. The Levites placed the remaining portion in the Tabernacle treasury (2 Chronicles 31:10).
The Levites had to give a tenth of the tithe to the Levitical priests (Numbers 18:26, 29). This is known as “the tithe of the tithes” (Nehemiah 10:38). Like the other Levites, they ate and drank the tithe set aside for them.
Tithes for the Festivals
The Lord also had another requirement for the Levites and priests. The Lord wanted everyone to travel to Jerusalem three times a year. You can read about these trips in Exodus 23: 14, 15, 17; Deuteronomy 16:16, and 2 Chronicles 8:13.
These events were known as feasts, festivals, and God’s appointed times. They are also known as the Feasts of God (Leviticus 23). So, the Levites, Levitical priests, and the other tribes feasted on the tithes in God’s presence (Deuteronomy 14: 23). This was a second tithe the Hebrew Israelites gave. The tithe was a form of rejoicing (Deuteronomy 12: 6-7) that could only occur in Jerusalem.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who paid the first tithe in the Bible?
The first tithe in the Bible is found in the book of Genesis 14:18-20. This tithing passage references Abraham, who gives a tenth of the spoils from a battle he had won to Melchizedek, King of Salem and Priest of the Most High God.
Who paid the second tithe in the Bible?
In the Bible, Jacob gave a second tithe to thank God for his blessings. In Genesis 28:18-22, Jacob came across a stone during his journey and made it an altar to offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, committing himself to serve God forever. He also promised to pay the Lord a tenth of all that he gained for him to be blessed with full prosperity. This would be the 2nd tithe in the Bible.
Are pastors Levites?
No. First, Levites were from the tribe of Levi, and they were the only Israelites who could serve as priests and assistants to the priests. Second, the Levites were charged with making blood and animal sacrifices to atone for the sins of ancient Israel. Third, the Levitical priesthood ended with the destruction of the Second Temple. Unlike Levites, a Christian pastor’s primary role is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus.
What did the Levites do with the tithe? Simply, they ate and drank the tithes. The tribe of Levi received tithes from the other 11 tribes. This was compensation for working in the Tabernacle/Temple. The tithe consisted of cattle, fruit, grains, olive oil, and wine.
The Levites assisted the Levitical priests. They received the tithes and divided them among themselves. The Levites were required to give a tenth of these tithes to the Levitical priests. This tithe is called “the tithe of the tithe.” Levitical priests ate and drank this tithe, and the leftovers were placed in the treasury.
Additionally, tithes were consumed during the Feasts of God. These were festivals that took place in Jerusalem three times a year. During these events, the ancient Israelites traveled to Jerusalem to eat and drink the tithes in the presence of the Lord. Like the other tribes, the tribe of Levi ate and drank their tithes during these celebrations.
Outsmart the False Teachers
If you want to learn more about the false tithing doctrine, we recommend reading our book, The Tithing Hoax. We explore biblical and historical evidence for and against tithing in it. We also provide practical advice on how to give generously without tithing. Get your copy. Click 👉 👉 Here