Does God want us to have material things? Yes. Access to God’s unlimited wealth is one benefit of Kingdom citizenship. This access allows us to enjoy material abundance. So, our Father has no problem with us being prosperous. God wants us to live well. However, He’s not interested in us being wealthy for personal gain. Instead, he wants us to fulfill our life purpose, glorify Him, and draw people to His Kingdom.
Table of Contents
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- 1. Fulfill Your Kingdom Assignment
- 2. Glorify God
- 3. Draw People Into the Kingdom
- Summary
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1. Fulfill Your Kingdom Assignment
God supplies all our needs. His responsibility is to ensure we have all the financial resources we need for our lives here on earth. Of course, this includes our necessities and luxuries. As kingdom citizens, we’re entitled to live a life of material comfort.
Now, this doesn’t mean everyone will be a billionaire or millionaire. It does mean that we will have what we need when we need it. However, our access to Kingdom Wealth is not for selfish gain.
The fulfillment of your Kingdom assignment is the primary purpose of having Kingdom Wealth. Genesis 1:26-28 gives God’s people power, authority, and dominion over the earth. This is called the Genesis Mandate. What does this mean? It means we must expand God’s heavenly Kingdom throughout the physical world. In other words, the earth should resemble heaven.
All Kingdom citizens are responsible for kingdom expansion. With that said, we each have a specific assignment we’re here to complete. We can call this your life’s purpose or your life’s work.
God has given you a Divine role that aligns with His will and intent. There are financial resources attached to your assignment. He has ensured you have all the money you need to complete your Kingdom work. Said another way, Kingdom wealth is for Kingdom work.
2. Glorify God
We are sons and daughters of a heavenly King (1 Peter 2:9). So everything in our lives should reflect our royal status. As stated above, this doesn’t mean everyone will be a millionaire or a billionaire. However, God intends for us to live a Kingdom life demonstrating wealth (and integrity). Why is this important?
Our prosperity glorifies God. How well we live in this earthly realm reflects how well our Father provides for us. Our wealth, prosperity, and abundance are not our own. So, when unbelievers look at us, they see God’s actions in our lives. Our financial freedom is one example of how the God we serve blesses His people.

3. Draw People Into the Kingdom
The Apostle Paul states that God’s people are epistles of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:3). The Spirit of the living God is upon us. Again our Kingdom’s prosperity is just one manifestation of God’s power and presence in our lives.
Before I go further, let me say this: If you’re experiencing lack, debt, or poverty, it does not mean God isn’t with you. It indicates areas in your life that may be incompatible with the Kingdom. Likewise, everyone who is materially rich doesn’t serve the one true living God. With that said, let’s move on.
Think about this. According to the Pew Research Center, over 1 million people leave their homeland every year and come to the United States. Why? Because they are attracted to the wealth, abundance, and prosperity of this nation.
They see the U.S. as a land of unlimited opportunities. They believe living in the U.S. gives them the best chance of a better life. For millions worldwide, America is their light out of the darkness.
Kingdom citizens are ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). We represent God and His Kingdom through our lifestyle. People trapped in the kingdom of darkness want out. They desire a better quality of life. People gravitate to wealth, power, and authority.
God intends for us to exhibit these attributes. It should inspire people to live the kingdom lifestyle when they see us. In other words, they will desire to leave the Kingdom of darkness to become citizens in God’s Kingdom.
We are the light that will draw the unbelievers (Matthew 5:16). They should see the glory of God operating in us and through us. Again, our material abundance is only one example of how well our Father provides for us.
Listen, don’t be ashamed, embarrassed, or uncomfortable about being wealthy. Our Creator is the owner of everything in the heavens and the earth. Wealth is an aspect of His nature. Because we’re made in His image and likeness, it’s also part of our makeup. Our God is a King, and we are His children. We are entitled to Kingdom Wealth because it serves many benefits.
One, God’s financial resources help us complete our Kingdom assignment on earth. The primary purpose for every believer is to expand the heavenly Kingdom throughout the world. Two, our wealth glorifies God. It shows the world that we serve a King that provides for His citizens. Finally, having Kingdom wealth grabs the attention of unbelievers. It opens the door to sharing the gospel of the Kingdom. In turn, we can help guide people out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of God.
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