I learned a valuable lesson about how God makes provision. In early 2020, I wanted to do something I had never done before—give away money. Specifically, I desired to become a cheerful giver (verse). There were instances where donated money to charitable causes, but that was few and far between. Of course, whenever I attended church, I put money in the collection. However, giving money was not a consistent or integral part of my life.
I paid my bills, saved money, and bought enjoyable items. In that regard, I believed I was a good steward of my finances. Nevertheless, I knew giving money was essential to my spiritual growth. The problem was that I didn’t know how to go to the next level, especially when dealing with financial hardship.
The COVID-19 crisis hurt my finances. I lost 95% of my income. Even though I had some money saved, I had more money going out than I had to come in. I’m thinking, “How will I give others money when I barely have enough for myself?” God revealed something during my prayer and meditation that has changed my life (and finances) for the better.
Table of Contents
- The Thought of Giving Money Gave Me Cold Feet
- The Holy Spirit Gives Me a Life-Changing Revelation
- Jesus Shows Me How to Give the Kingdom Way
- Time to Move Beyond Lack
- A Season of Lack Turns Into a Year of Abundance
- Recap
- Outsmart the False Teachers
The Thought of Giving Money Gave Me Cold Feet
How can I become a cheerful giver of money? I told God my concerns during prayer. There were two stumbling stones I faced. One, I didn’t know to who I would give money. There weren’t any charities that resonated with me. Of course, there are thousands of worthy causes, but there wasn’t one I felt compelled to support financially. Plus, I’m a stickler about the use of donations. The thought of my financial gift being misused gave me cold feet. The other issue was I didn’t believe I had enough money to start giving away.
As I stated above, I lost my primary income source when COVID-19 started showing up and showing out in January 2020. How could I give money when I was living in lack? This is how I saw my circumstances. I wanted to give away large sums of money to impact the recipient positively. I was one of those people who said: “If I ever win the lottery, I’ll do “this” and “that” for my family, friends, and others.”
So, there I was. I was J.O.B., just over broke with a desire to bless others financially. How was I going to pull this off? Fortunately, God let me in on a little secret that immediately shifted my lack mindset.

The Holy Spirit Gives Me a Life-Changing Revelation
I sought guidance from the Holy Spirit. I prayed and meditated about the matter. When I pray, I’m talking to God. My meditation is when I listen to God’s response. Meditation is a powerful way of receiving God-inspired visions and revelations.
During my meditation, I saw myself with an abundance of financial resources. In this state, I was also giving money and gifts to others but doing so anonymously. I can’t even explain how excited I got about seeing myself as a generous giver. It was fun. It brought me so much joy that I could financially bless someone else.
At that moment, I thought: Whenever I get a lot of money, I’m going to…”
Right there, the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks and said, “It’s not the amount of money that matters.” In other words, focus on the giving and not the money. When I received that revelation, I acted on it and haven’t looked back.
Jesus Shows Me How to Give the Kingdom Way
God told me to do what I can by starting with what I have. I didn’t have to wait to win the lottery, have a lot of money, or get rich before becoming a cheerful giver. The most important thing is giving with the right heart. In other words, give with a focus on blessing someone else. But that wasn’t all. Father Yah dropped another spiritual bombshell on me.
The Most High let me know He will increase and multiply whatever I give. How do I know this? It’s in His word. Jesus (Yahshuah) demonstrates the kingdom Laws of Increase and Multiplication in Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-15. These verses recount how Yahshuah fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.
Jesus told his disciples to feed the people. The disciples looked at the food and saw they didn’t have enough. Like me, they were operating with a lack of mentality based on what they saw in the natural. Yahshuah demonstrated that he could feed everyone and have leftover food. He showed them that God would take their little and turn it into plenty by following kingdom laws. I followed Yahshuah’s lead. I did the same with my money.
Hold up for a second! Discover the Surprising Ways Jesus Funded His Ministry – Read Now!
Time to Move Beyond Lack
In February 2020, I started giving money. Although my financial situation hadn’t improved, my mindset did. I replaced a lack mentality with a kingdom mindset. I knew I didn’t have to be a “big baller” before becoming a cheerful giver. I realized God would do a lot with my little. So I started with giving away a dollar here and a dollar there.
I gave away money anonymously. I printed a Bible verse, wrapped it around the money, and put it in envelopes. Whenever I went shopping, I placed the envelopes throughout the stores, ensuring no one saw me. I still do this because it’s a fun way to give. I find it’s easier to be a cheerful giver when you’re doing it in a fun way.
A Season of Lack Turns Into a Year of Abundance
Throughout 2020, God blessed me beyond my imagination. Father Yah increased and multiplied those few dollars I gave. He opened up avenues to financial resources that kept me afloat. All my bills were paid on time. Plus, I now had money to invest in expanding The Tithing Hoax platform.
God is a God of more than enough. As my Jehovah Jireh, He sustained me through 2020 and blessed me with an overflow (John 6: 12-13). Coming into 2021, I’m still living off last year’s provision. I received this financial breakthrough because I became a cheerful giver.
I received this financial breakthrough because I became a cheerful giver.
R. Renee
In 2020 I desired to become a cheerful giver. But I had two obstacles. One, I didn’t know who or where to give money. Second, I lost 95% of my income during the COVID-19 crisis. I didn’t see how I could give when experiencing financial lack. I thought I would have to get rich first. However, God opened my eyes to another possibility.
I prayed and meditated, seeking Father Yah’s guidance. His Holy Spirit revealed that the amount of money doesn’t matter when it comes to being a giver. I didn’t have to be rich or win the lottery. What mattered was having a Spirit of wanting to bless others. With that in mind, I started giving away money anonymously.
Even though it was a few dollars here and there, it didn’t matter. God showed me in Scripture that He could increase and multiply whatever I gave (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15). And that’s what He did.
God provided for me throughout 2020; an overflow carried me over into 2021. Beyond that, I believe the people I gave to also experienced an increase and multiplication in their finances. All praises to the Most High.
This testimony is just one of my true stories of faith in God. I have more I’ll share with you. In these testimonies of faith, I pray it inspires you to trust God with everything in your life, including your money.
Outsmart the False Teachers

If you want to learn more about tithing and other ways to give back, get a copy of The Tithing Hoax book! This book is filled with information on tithing and provides Bible verses that discuss different aspects of giving.
Thank you for listening, and be blessed!