God blesses believers who don’t pay tithes. The LORD doesn’t punish Christians who don’t tithe. Repeatedly throughout scripture, we see God cares deeply for the poor and needy and even those who do not worship Him. Rather He extends a generous hand of grace and favor to us all. We serve a loving God whose blessings are constantly flowing to us–all we must do is accept His free gift!

“GOD ONLY BLESSES TITHERS” is the 3rd lesson in a 9-part teaching series entitled “A Pastor Rebukes a Non-Tither.” In this lesson, the Pastor tells his church member (our YouTube subscriber) that “God only blesses those that tithe….”
We look closely at this statement and determine whether this statement is biblically correct.
Table of Contents
A Word From a Pastor
Here’s a quote from the Letter:
“God only blesses those that tithe because they want to give, not because they feel obligated. Since you have a problem with giving a tithe then you will remain in the same state.”
In this lesson, we will address these key points:
1. Everyone in the Bible did not tithe
2. God does not bless Christians based on the tithe
3. Tithing and Giving are not the same
A Lesson About Blessings
Tithing was mandatory under the Law of Moses and was required in ancient Israel. Under the Old Covenant, the Lord blessed ancient Israel for their obedience to the Law of Moses.
The belief that God only blesses people who pay so-called tithes (10 percent of their income) is not biblical. A few of the most notable biblical figures who did not tithe include Jesus and the apostle Paul, yet God blessed them. In his Beatitudes, Jesus gives several examples of people who are blessed. So scripture does not support the notion that God only blesses so-called tithers.
First and foremost, we receive blessings from God’s Grace. Moreover, Christian believers receive blessings through their faith and obedience to the Spirit. God blesses you when you give, but remember that giving and tithing are different.
Giving is the Christian way. In the New Testament, Spirit-led, voluntary giving is encouraged for the Christian believer – not tithing.
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.