A Nigerian media personality and entrepreneur says she pays tithes because it’s her way of partnering with God. This got me thinking about partnering with God and whether tithing is part of that partnership. Of course, my answer is no, and here’s why I say that.
Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- The Tithe Abolished at Calvary
- Your Partnership With God
- The Responsibilities of Partnering With God
- Watch the Video
- The Benefit of Partnering With God
- The Bottom Line
- Find Out More
Listen to the Podcast
The Tithe Abolished at Calvary
My first main point is that tithing is a legalistic practice that was done away with on Calvary. Tithing took place under the Mosaic Law. Technically or spiritually, tithing ended on Calvary when Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus said, “It is finished.” The “it” is the Mosaic Law. It was finished. It was done away with. Since tithing was part of that, it means tithing was done away with. We can also refer to Colossians 2:14, which says, “blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.” When the scripture is talking about the handwriting of ordinances, it’s speaking of the Mosaic Law that was against us.
The “us” is referring to the ancient Hebrews. It’s not referring to Gentiles. It’s not referring to Christians because Gentiles or Christians were never under the Mosaic Law. This Law was specific to the children of Israel, to the ancient Hebrews. It never applied to Gentiles or non-Hebrews. It never applied to Christians.
If you are new to this podcast, and you are new to the podcast because this is the first episode, you can search The Tithing Hoax website. You can find the information you need that proves biblically that tithing did end and that there’s no biblical basis for Christians to tithe.
If you are new to this platform, you can go where it says “Start Here” on the menu or the slider. You click there, and it will take you to a page that provides free teachings and resources. It gives you the basic foundational information and knowledge to understand tithing, what it is, and why it ended. The bottom line is tithing does not apply to Christians, so I won’t belabor that point.
Your Partnership With God
As Kingdom citizens, we already have a partnership with the Most High. I call it part of the Kingdom benefits package. We already have a partnership with God, so we don’t have to tithe to get into a partnership.

Let’s go to Webster’s Dictionary definition of partnership. I’m going to tie it into my discussion. Webster says, “A relationship resembling a legal partnership and usually involving close cooperation between partners having specified and joint rights and responsibilities.”
When discussing a partnership, you’re talking about two or more entities coming together and cooperating to achieve a particular goal. Every party involved in this partnership has specific rights and specific responsibilities.
In the Bible, God has always partnered with His people to accomplish His will on earth. For example, God partnered with Adam and Eve. He gave them Dominion authority over the earth. Their responsibility was to rule the earth as God ruled heaven so His Heavenly Kingdom would be established throughout the earth.
Go to Genesis 1:26, 28. This is what I called the Genesis Dominion mandate. This is the first example of God partnering with His human creation to accomplish something in the earthly realm. Additionally, He partnered with Noah, Abraham, the children of Israel, Moses, and of course, Jesus (Yeshua Hamashiach). Jesus says, “When you see me, you see the father John 14:9).” “I and my father are one (John 10:30).”
This is a Divine partnership. Jesus could not have done what he did if he did not have the Most High God working in him and through him to bring the good news of the Kingdom to earth. The point is partnership is seen throughout the Bible.
The Responsibilities of Partnering With God
The partnership with God still exists. I’m reminded of Romans 8:17, which speaks of God’s people as His “heirs” and “joint heirs with Christ.” As joint-heirs, we are joined with Christ in God’s Kingdom. So a Divine partnership already exists.
Like Jesus, the people of God have the legal authority to do God’s will on earth. This is the basis or foundation of our partnership with God. Since the partnership is already in place, there’s no need to tithe to get into a partnership with God.
Let’s go back to the Webster’s Dictionary definition. A partnership is a cooperation between partners having specified joint rights and responsibilities. As joint heirs with Christ, we have rights as Kingdom citizens. We have responsibilities. When we partner with God, there are things God is responsible for and things we are responsible for.
When we look back at the Mosaic Law Covenant, the Lord partnered with the Hebrews. The Lord said, “Look, what I need you to do, Israel, is to observe my statutes, ordinances, and commands. If you hold up your end of the bargain, I will hold up my end of the bargain. This means I will bless you. Of course, on the other side, if you are disobedient as a people, then curses will befall you.” All this is outlined in Deuteronomy 28.
Watch the Video
The Benefit of Partnering With God
As Kingdom people, one of the things that we are responsible for is submitting to God’s will. This is our role in this Kingdom partnership. We must allow God to work in us and advance his Kingdom on earth through us. I call it the Law of Submission.
Submission is also a form of obedience. When we submit to His will, we obey His will. As a result, blessings are conferred upon us as His people.
The Bottom Line
I’m not knocking the Nigerian woman for believing she must tithe to partner with God. She has her journey, but I just wanted to use her story to explain an aspect of partnering with God. As Kingdom citizens, we already have a partnership with God. A partnership already exists, so tithing isn’t necessary to partner with God.
If you enjoyed today’s podcast, please share it on your social media platforms. Also, please give a financial gift of any amount to help us spread the Kingdom message worldwide. Until next time, I’m R. Renee. Thank you for listening, and be blessed.
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Today’s podcast is sponsored by The Tithing Hoax, the Amazon best-selling book that has freed Christians worldwide from the false doctrine of tithing. Get your copy now from Amazon.com or wherever books are sold.