Creflo Dollar Teaching on Tithing Was Wrong

Creflo Dollar tithes and offering 2022 statement rebukes mainstream tithing teachings. Pastor Creflo Dollar from World Changers Church International recently stated his past teachings about paying tithes are inaccurate. According to Dollar, Christians should only give as much money as they feel led to give instead of blindly following the Old Testament instruction to contribute 10 percent of one’s income. Inside this podcast, I share with you what the Holy Spirit revealed to me about Dollar’s announcement.

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Hey, what’s up, Tithing Hoax family? This is
your girl R. Renee.

Thank you for tuning in to this special broadcast. What makes this so special is I have
a message here from the holy spirit regarding the announcement made by Creflo Dollar
who recently came out and seemingly renounced his past teachings regarding

I was thinking about doing a podcast giving my response to Creflo Dollar’s
announcement and I’m not sure if I’m going to do that.

What I do know is I’m not going to do that until I have listened to his
sermons in totality.

It is my understanding that he has recently given approximately three sermons talking about his past teachings, and I guess where he’s going from now with
regard to tithing or giving.

So, I want to do my due diligence first. I did not want to jump on here
for clicks and views and give my opinion or commentary without having
listened to Creflo’s recent sermons in their totality because I did not want to just
base my commentary on a few video clips I have watched recently.

I don’t want to take anything he said out of context because
if you follow this platform long enough you know that we are big on context.

False Teacher Butcher the Bible

One of the reasons why we have so many false teachings about tithing is because preachers and others have taken verses and scriptures out of context.

So I want to be fair to Creflo Dollar and not comment on his announcement without doing my due diligence and listening to the full scope of his sermons because I
don’t want to take anything he has said out of context.

Now with that said, even though I’m not expressing my commentary, personal
opinions, insights, or observations on what he has said, I referred to the Holy Spirit
during my time of prayer and meditation.

I wanted to know what the Holy Spirit had to say about the situation since the Holy Spirit only speaks the truth and the Holy Spirit reveals what’s on the mind of God, the mind of the Most High the creator of the heavens and the earth, the one and true living GOD.

So during my prayer and meditation time the other day, I asked the Holy Spirit two questions:

I asked why is Creflo Dollar renouncing his teachings on tithing now.

And what does this mean for the church?

And here is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me…

So I’m sharing with you what the Holy Spirit said. This is not my opinion, this
is not my commentary, and this is not coming from my ego or my flesh.

I’m delivering the message from the Holy Spirit, unadulterated, meaning I’m not adding to this word or taking from it.

So this is what the Holy Spirit told me in response to my questions.

Again I asked…

Why is Creflo renouncing teachings on tithing now?

And what does this mean for the church?

And here is what the Holy Spirit said:

Separating the Wheat from the Tares

man wearing blue dress
Photo by Luis Quintero on

Creflo Dollar tithes and offering 2022 remarks stirred up controversy. Creflo denounced his teachings about mandatory tithing. However, this shake-up in the church is bigger than Creflo Dollar. it’s a time for separating the wheat from the tare; meaning exposing churches and religious leaders who are really serving God and his people versus those who are serving their own interests.

False Teachers in the Church Today

There will be preachers who will double down on their teachings about tithing, even though their teachings are false.

They’re afraid that speaking the truth will cause financial ruin. Their faith is not in God, it is in their man-made doctrines.

A New Revival in the Church

Dollar’s announcement also opens the door for the people of God to question other teachings in the church.

If a prominent preacher like Creflo Dollar got it wrong about tithing, what other teachings have preachers gotten wrong?

There will be a shaking up of the church system. A new revival is on the way but be warned there will be a revival that’s of God and one that’s counterfeit and of satan.

Satan wants to use this opportunity to not only turn people away from the church
but to also turn people away from God.

Satan will use this as an opportunity to negate anything that’s considered
traditional teachings of the church and the Holy Spirit had me underline
the word traditional.

Satan wants to keep moving god’s people toward a so-called
progressive a more liberated type of religious or Christian experience that lacks spirit
soul and foundation.

The adversary will step in and exploit those among God’s people who feel hurt
betrayed and angered by Creflo’s revelation.

Those without wisdom or spiritual discernment will get caught up
in satan’s new age, new revival pseudo-Christian church experience.

A Time for Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding

The most important thing the body of Christ must do now
is to ask for wisdom and spiritual discernment.

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be open to you.

Matthew 7:7

A Prophetic Warning for Creflo Dollar

If Creflo Dollar is not truly repentant the Most High will deal with him accordingly.

man wearing black soutane praying
Photo by Ivan Samkov on

Trust God With All Your Heart

What God wants from his people in this hour is to put all their trust in him
him meaning God and not in man or man’s self-serving doctrines
because many so-called men and women of God don’t trust God.

They trust their doctrines, and their ability to manipulate
god’s people.

They have become their own gods and their reckoning is underway.

Creflo’s announcement is an opportunity for preachers to get right and make corrections.
Those who do will be blessed abundantly. Those who don’t will reap the punishment
for misleading God’s people.

And the window of time to make this choice is limited.

These preachers will either get right or get left behind.

The Holy Spirit Will Teach You

That is the message, the truth, and the prophetic warnings
from the Holy Spirit that speaks the mind of God.

This is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me during my time in prayer and meditation.

When I asked the questions:
Why is Creflo Dollar renouncing his teachings on tithing now?
And what does this mean for the church?

Thank you so much for listening. And as believers, it will behoove us
to receive what the holy spirit has said, to accept what the holy spirit has said,
and to act upon any instruction, the Holy Spirit has given us.

My name is R. Renee.

Thank you for all your support.
And please like, share, and subscribe.

Until next time…

Peace and Blessings to You!

Outsmart the False Teachers

Book cover for The Tithng Hoax




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