Christian tithing is a hot-button topic for preachers and congregants alike. Some say it’s biblical, while others dismiss the practice as outdated or irrelevant today. We’ll explore the Scriptural basis for tithing and offer insights on whether or not Christians should tithe. Let us take a closer look.
In this podcast, we will show you why tithing is unscriptural and why Christians aren’t required to give 10 percent of their money to the church.
Welcome to The Tithing Hoax podcast. In this episode, we want to discuss tithing and why it’s unscriptural. Many people think they have to give away 10% of their income to a church, but that’s not true.
Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- Giving Without Tithing
- The Christian Tithe Is Unscriptural
- Here Are Five Reasons Why the Christian Tithe Is Unscriptural
- A Final Word
- Escape the Lies of the False Prophets
Now, here is today’s The Tithing Hoax podcast:
Listen to the Podcast
Many preachers say the tithe is a biblical principle that requires Christians to give 10% of their income to God. The origin of the tithe is found in the Old Testament, where it was commanded that the Israelites give 10% of their produce to God. The New Testament does not specifically mention the tithe, but it does suggest that Christians should give generously to others in need.
Giving Without Tithing

There are many examples of people who gave generously without tithing. David gave away huge quantities of food and other provisions to the poor (1 Chronicles 29: 14).
On one occasion, when God sent rain for forty days after many years of drought, he told Ezekiel that he should use this opportunity to demonstrate his loyalty by giving him part of the forty days’ supply of food that had been harvested during the years of drought (Ezekiel 4: 9-17).
The text is unclear as to exactly how much Ezekiel gave, but it is evident that he is told to take the surplus and give it to God.
If we can find something, we have more than enough (for example, time, talents, or money). There’s nothing wrong with voluntarily sharing it with the church, not under a legalistic obligation.
The Christian Tithe Is Unscriptural
Is Christian tithing biblical?
Many people will argue that it is. However, not one verse in the Bible explicitly states that Christians must tithe 10% of their income to the church. There is also no mention of giving money to God’s work as a salvation requirement. Many references in the Bible to giving are about giving freely and generously, without expecting anything in return.
The Bible is clear that we should give generously to those in need, both within the church and outside of it. Christ himself said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20: 35). When we give from our hearts, out of love and compassion, we are living out the gospel. But when we give begrudgingly, or because we feel obligated to do so, we are not giving in the way that Christ intended.
Here Are Five Reasons Why the Christian Tithe Is Unscriptural

1. The Law Applied to Israelites
The Old Testament laws were only applicable to the Israelites. Christ is our High Priest and has become one with all Christians (Galatians 3: 28-29). The Law is no longer relevant to us since the arrival of Christ; therefore, the tithe is not applicable today.
2. Christians Didn’t Tithe
The tithe isn’t found in the New Testament. The New Testament is the second half of the Bible, which was written after the death of Christ. The Old Testament is the first half of the Bible and is focused on the Israelites.
Many of Christ’s disciples were rich, but none of them tithed. In one case, an individual is recorded as having given a large sum of money without mentioning that they tithed from it (Acts 8: 18-22).
3. Voluntary Giving Is the Way
In the book of Acts, it is clear that the early Christians were generous and gave generously to those in need. There is no mention of tithing in the early chapters of Acts, where we would expect to find a mention if it was something the church had begun doing. More evidence shows they were generous and not worried about profiting from their new faith.
4. Freed From Legalism
Tithing is a form of legalism. Legalism is the belief that we can earn our way to heaven by doing good works. This is not what the Bible teaches. Rather, we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2: 8-9).
We miss the Gospel’s point when we try to earn salvation through giving. Jesus died so that we might have eternal life, not so that we could impress God with our good works.
For these reasons, it is clear that Christians should not tithe.
Tithes Weren’t Collected
5. Finally, none of the apostles received the tithe. When discussing the issue of giving, Peter said that “almsgiving is good, provided it is practiced according to discretion; otherwise it is bad” (1 Peter 4:10).
The word used for almsgiving is oikonomian, which is the same word used in Luke 16:2-4 to describe the manager (of a large household) whose job is to make sure everything is in good order and is managed correctly; in other words, responsible stewardship of what is entrusted to him.
So, Peter is talking about giving responsibly and isn’t making a reference at all to tithing.
Is tithing biblical?
You can decide for yourself. But generous giving is always a good thing and is something that Christians should be striving for.
A Final Word
Christians often feel the pressure to tithe, but there is no evidence that tithing was a requirement for those who follow Jesus. Churches should focus on teaching their members about generosity and giving from the heart rather than insisting on tithing as an obligation.
When people choose between tithing and feeding their families, they should be encouraged to prioritize providing for themselves first. As long as we’re still living in this world with all its worries and concerns, we can’t expect everyone to give away 10% of what little money or food they have left at any point in time.
We pray this Tithing Hoax podcast has helped you understand more about tithing and its place in the Christian church.
Escape the Lies of the False Prophets

If you want to discover more tithe facts, I encourage you to get a copy of The Tithing Hoax. This book provides in-depth information on how to give the RIGHT way. It also offers helpful tips based on Scripture.
Thanks for reading, and be blessed!