Was Tithing Just for Israel?

The tithe was only for ancient Israel. God required ancient Israel to pay tithes as part of the Old Covenant (Exodus 19: 5-8, Leviticus 27:30). Once the New Covenant was established through Jesus Christ, the tithing system was no longer necessary. Therefore, tithing is not required of New Testament Christians. One of our viewers wants […]

Abraham and Melchizedek – The Truth About the First Biblical Tithe

Abraham's tithe

According to the Bible, Abraham paid tithes once. The first and only biblical account of Abram (or Abraham) tithing is in Genesis 14:20. There is no evidence of Abraham giving a tithe to anyone after that event. Therefore, we can conclude his tithe was a one-time event. One of our viewers wants to know: How […]

Tithing in the Bible Was Limited to Agricultural Produce and Livestock

what is tithing in the bible

The biblical tithe is limited to agricultural produce and livestock. Under the Old Covenant, the Lord gave detailed descriptions of the tithe in verses such as Leviticus 27: 30-32. The biblical was never money but consumable products such as corn, oil, and oxen. One of our viewers wants to know: Was tithing limited to agricultural […]

Is Tithing Voluntary?

tithing and volunteering

The tithe was not voluntary. The tithe command was part of the Mosaic Law (the Old Covenant). Under this Law, ancient Israel was required to pay tithes. As a Christian, you’re under no obligation to tithe. The New Testament believers are free from paying tithes, whether voluntary or mandatory. Listen to the Podcast Excuse me! […]

Is the Tithe the Same as Money?

Tithing Money

The biblical tithe is not the same as money. As commanded in the Bible, Deuteronomy 14:22-27 explains that ancient Hebrew Israelites were required to bring ten percent of their crops and livestock as an offering. This offering was received by Levites serving in God’s temple to provide for their needs (Deuteronomy 18:1-8). The Lord’s tithes […]

Is the Pre-Law Tithe God’s Eternal Law?

Tithing Before the Law

Tithing is not an eternal law (Genesis 14:20). Pre-law tithing refers to the practice of tithing before establishing the Law of Moses. The Mosaic Law created an official tithing system. This Law required the ancient Hebrew Israelites to pay 10% of crops and animals to the tribe of Levi. The tithe “law” was abolished after […]

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