Exploring the Biblical Definition of Tithing: A Guide to Understanding its Significance

africam man and woman reading the bible

Are you curious about the meaning and significance of tithing according to the Bible? Look no further. The concept of tithing originates from the Old Testament in the Bible. Tithing, derived from the word “tenth,” means giving a tenth or 10 percent of one’s possessions or produce (Genesis 14:20; Leviticus 27:30). The primary purpose of […]

It’s Time to Rethink Malachi 3:8

man thinking with hand on face

Maybe it’s time to slap church leaders with Malachi 3:8. Why do I say that? Well, I recently shared two stories about the misuse of church funds. James Huntsman, a former Mormon, is suing the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) for allegedly mishandling tithes and offerings. Then, a Presbyterian Church pastor […]

A Believer’s Guide to Understanding First Fruits

Barley bread in basket

First fruits is an important concept in the Bible, representing the practice of offering the first agricultural produce of the harvest to God as an act of faith and thanksgiving. It is mentioned in several places in the Old Testament and takes on a symbolic meaning in the New Testament, where it is linked to […]

What Did Levites Do With the Tithe?

tithe in leviticus

The biblical tithe served multiple purposes. Its primary purpose was to compensate the tribe of Levi for their service in the Tabernacle/Temple. Since the tithe consisted of agricultural produce, the Levites ate and drank what was given to them by the other 11 tribes. As simple and straightforward as this is, The Lord had guidelines […]

Does Proverbs 3:9 Promote Tithing?

Proverbs 3:9

Proverbs 3:9 doesn’t pertain to biblical tithing. Additionally, it doesn’t support the man-made doctrine requiring you to tithe 10% of your income to the church. While the verse talks about honoring the Lord with wealth, tithe advocates have taken it out of context. As we examine the Scripture, it becomes clear that the passage from […]

Why Is the Tithe Holy to the Lord?

Holy to the Lord

There are four reasons why the biblical tithe is holy. It’s holy because it’s agricultural produce. It’s tied to the ancient land of Israel. It funded the creation of the Levitical priesthood. Finally, it replaced the Levite’s land inheritance. Considering these Bible-based factors, we also learn that the modern-day Christian tithe (10% of one’s income) […]

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