Is It Right to Claim Tithes on Tax Returns?

tithes tax deductible

There’s nothing wrong with claiming tithes on your income tax return, even though Scripture doesn’t specifically address this issue. The government recognizes churches as charitable organizations. They are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit entities. You have the legal right to deduct your tithes on your tax returns because church donations are tax deductible. Let’s dive deeper into […]

Should I Pay Tithes From My Stimulus Check?

tithe stimulus check

Christians don’t have to pay tithes from their stimulus check. Even though some preachers demand 10 percent of your income, the government stimulus money isn’t income. If you want to give from your stimulus check, you can. It’s your choice because giving is a voluntary act. The coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis has hit many churches […]

Pay Tithes or Debt?

pay tithes or pay bills

It’s better to focus on paying debt instead of tithes. Debt can accumulate quickly and have high-interest rates that increase the amount owed. Paying debt off is a great way to achieve financial freedom. Additionally, debt can affect your credit score and limit access to loans or other credit lines, so paying off debt should […]

Should I Tithe on Gifts?

tithe on gift money

Christians don’t have to tithe on gifts. Gifts aren’t income, so there’s reason to pay ten percent of that money to a church. Some churches encourage members to tithe on their gifts. However, it’s up to you if you want to pay tithes. Wait for a second! Discover what percentage of Christians actually tithe and […]

Does Proverbs 3:9 Promote Tithing?

Proverbs 3:9

Proverbs 3:9 doesn’t pertain to biblical tithing. Additionally, it doesn’t support the man-made doctrine requiring you to tithe 10% of your income to the church. While the verse talks about honoring the Lord with wealth, tithe advocates have taken it out of context. As we examine the Scripture, it becomes clear that the passage from […]

Was the Tithe Based on a Person’s Income?

Tithe based on income

The tithe isn’t based on income. It’s a misconception that tithes should come from a person’s income. This is a false teaching that isn’t supported by Scripture. The Bible provides numerous examples of what constitutes the tithe; none include income. Watch the Video Tithers in the Bible The Old Testament and the Gospels provide examples […]

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