Keep paying your tithes no matter what. That’s a common sentiment among Prosperity Gospel preachers. Some claim tithing during a crisis is the right choice for believers. Bishop Charles Agyinasare takes it a step further. The Perez Chapel International pastor in Ghana states tithing is one of the surest ways of acquiring financial freedom.
I’m afraid I have to disagree with this doctrine. You can’t tithe your way to financial freedom. And I base my position on Scripture.
Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- Prosperity Preachers Speak Half-Truths
- Tithes Outshine the 10 Commandments
- A Final Word
- Find Out More
Listen to the Podcast
Please Note: The following content is an edited version of the podcast.
Prosperity Preachers Speak Half-Truths
God doesn’t promise Christians financial freedom for paying tithes. Does God promise material prosperity? Yes, according to Deuteronomy 28:1-14. The Lord promised the Israelites prosperity, protection, and abundance in all areas of their life.
But there’s a caveat.
The children of Israel had to obey all 613 commandments of the Mosaic Law Covenant. So, the blessings aren’t the result of tithing alone. Their prosperity resulted from obedience to the whole Law.
Prosperity preachers dodge this biblical truth. They point out tithing existed before the Law. Because of this, tithing applies to New Testament believers.
Well, they only have half the story correct.
How can I say that?
The Lord didn’t make tithing mandatory until He established the Mosaic Law covenant (Leviticus 27:30). Early biblical figures, such as Abraham, practiced tithing as a social custom. It was common practice in the Near East.
A social custom is not the same as the Lord’s Law. With a social tradition, it’s a man who expects others to follow certain cultural practices. With the Lord’s Law, man does what the Lord desires. God only expected tithes from ancient Israel after establishing the Mosaic Covenant.
Additionally, God didn’t give Gentiles the Law. He entered into a covenant with the Hebrew people and no other group (Exodus 19:4-6). What does this mean for Christians?
It means New Testament believers can’t reap the rewards (or consequences) associated with tithing. Why? Tithing is part of the Old Covenant, which doesn’t involve Gentiles. Period!

Tithes Outshine the 10 Commandments
Here’s something else that rubs me the wrong way with pro-tithing preachers. They portray tithing as if it’s the most important thing to God. But guess what? It’s not.
The Lord identified ten commandments that were a top priority. And tithing isn’t one of them. Go to Exodus 20:1-17 and see what the Most High values most.
He said, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the lands, out of the land of slavery.
He said, “You should have no other gods before me.” Let me say this. Many believers have made preachers idol gods. They treat them like they’re the closest thing to God. In their minds, the pastor can do no wrong. That’s idolatry.
God said, “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…”
The Rest of the Commandments
Don’t misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Honor your father and your mother. Yep, that’s more important than tithing. How many times have you heard preachers talk about honoring your father and mother?
You should not murder.
There’s no way paying the modern-day tithe guarantees Christians financial freedom.
You should not commit adultery. When was the last time you heard a pastor preaching against adultery? I guess they’re too preoccupied with collecting tithes.
Listen, pro-tithe preachers avoid telling their followers to live right. Do you know why? Because they don’t want to offend believers. They figure if church members get offended, they won’t pay tithes.
What else is more important than the tithe?
Don’t steal. Don’t lie to your neighbor.
Finally, the Lord says, “You should not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Don’t be jealous of someone’s material possessions. Also, avoid lusting after a man’s wife or a woman’s husband. Are prosperity gospel preachers preaching this commandment?
What’s the point here?
Too many preachers have plucked tithing out of context. And they have elevated it as the primary commandment Christians must follow. But I’ve laid out ten commandments the Lord cares about more than tithes.
A Final Word
Pro-tithe preachers encourage tithing during (or after) a crisis. Some, like Bishop Charles Agyinasare of Nigeria, say tithing is one way of achieving financial freedom. Turn over 10% of your income to the church, and God will bless believers with prosperity. Sounds good, right? Well, the Bible doesn’t support that claim.
The Lord promised ancient Israel prosperity. But it was conditional. The Hebrews couldn’t just tithe and prosper. No. The Lord required obedience to all the Mosaic Law commandments. Additionally, the Mosaic Covenant isn’t for New Testament believers. Therefore, there’s no way paying the modern-day tithe guarantees Christians financial freedom.
Find Out More

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the church doesn’t want you to know. Click here.
Source: Don’t Be Stingy With Your Tithes