IN THIS EPISODE of The Tithing Hoax Podcast, I reveal six types of church manipulation tactics prosperity preachers use to trick Christians into accepting the false Tithe Doctrine. The Bible doesn’t command Christians to tithe. In addition, tithing, as practiced in today’s church, is not biblical.
Many prosperity preachers tricked Christians into “paying God” 10% of their income. This is a false doctrine many believers accept as true. This is what we call the Tithing Hoax.

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The Problem With Church Manipulation
Church manipulation is like a hoax. A hoax tricks people into believing or accepting something false and often preposterous. Synonyms for hoax include bamboozle, beguile, con, delude, fool, deceive, hoodwink, mislead, or trick.
The premise of The Tithing Hoax book is that, when it comes to tithing, many Christians have been tricked, fooled, deceived, misled, etc. I have identified at least six ways that Christians are tricked into tithing, and they include:
- Instilling Fear
- Manipulating Faith
- Using the Lure of Material Riches
- Employing Supernatural Testimonies
- Playing on Your Emotions
- Confusing the Voice of God
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.