The Law of Sowing and Reaping is one of the most well-known Kingdom laws (Galatians 6:7). Simply, it means what we give is what we receive in return. So, I also refer to this as the Law of Giving and Receiving. The Bible teaches us that God loves a cheerful giver.
The practice of giving is our responsibility as Kingdom citizens. But did you know being a cheerful receiver is just as important as being a cheerful giver? The inability to receive can result in problems, such as blocked blessings, emotional distress, and financial loss. If you have issues receiving from others, this message is for you.
Table of Contents
- 1. Breaking God’s Law of Reaping Has Consequences
- 2. Keeping Your Hands Closed Frustrates God
- 3. Rejecting Gifts Blocks Your Blessings
- 4. Saying No to Blessings Limits Your Resources
- Summary
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1. Breaking God’s Law of Reaping Has Consequences
It seems odd that anyone would reject a blessing. Sometimes the most generous individuals have a hard time receiving gifts. They give so much of their time, energy, attention, or resources to others but refuse a helping hand. These are people who are generous to a fault. While their generosity is commendable, they violate the Law of Sowing and Reaping when they refuse to receive.
Remember, God’s Kingdom operates according to eternal, universal laws. As Kingdom citizens, our primary responsibility is to obey the laws. What happens when we disobey? We suffer negative consequences.
For example, as citizens in the U.S., we’re breaking traffic laws when we drive through a red light. As a result, we can face various consequences ranging from a warning to jail time. The same principle applies to God’s Kingdom, where we have our spiritual citizenship.
A person who continually gives and doesn’t receive is breaking the law. Violating the law can negatively impact his or her spiritual, emotional, or financial well-being. There’s nothing wrong with being generous, but God also wants us to give with wisdom. He does not intend us to give to the point that it causes hardships.
2 Corinthians 8:13
13 For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened:
The Law of Sowing and Reaping requires that you reap what you sow. It’s a benefit of your Kingdom citizenship that rightfully belongs to you. Giving and receiving go hand and hand. Father Yah created the law this way because it helps ensure givers have continued access to Kingdom provisions.
2. Keeping Your Hands Closed Frustrates God
God intends for us to receive. Whenever you give, God immediately begins the process of sending you a blessing. You must maintain a receptive posture. In other words, you must be open to receiving what God has for you. Let’s use money for an illustration.
Imagine you just gave someone money. Now hold your hands open, face up. Your hands’ position signifies you released the money and demonstrate you’re open to receiving money. Empty hands indicate to God that you are ready to receive. God always seeks to bless those who give freely, openly, and with love.
As soon as you release (or give money), it creates a void. A void cannot exist in God’s Kingdom, and it must be filled. It’s the law, and God cannot violate His laws (Hebrews 6:18).

Now, what happens when you close your hands? You can’t receive anything. It’s hard for God to bless you if you’re not receptive. So when you reject a gift from someone, you reject a blessing from the Most High. Of course, gifts aren’t limited to money. Even if you have difficulty accepting compliments, advice, love, or help, you’re closing yourself off from God’s unlimited wealth.
3. Rejecting Gifts Blocks Your Blessings
As stated earlier, God’s Kingdom operates according to laws. Often, these laws interconnect with one another. For instance, rejecting a Spirit-led gift violates the Law of Circulation (Luke 6:38). Let’s look at how this law governs our bodies.
What does our blood do? It circulates throughout our body, carrying oxygen to our organs. The blood functions this way naturally (or supernaturally) by law. What happens when the blood doesn’t circulate as it should? A blood clot can form, which is a life-threatening illness.
You block the circulation of blessings when you don’t receive them. A blockage occurs not only for you but also for the Spirit-led giver. The Law of Circulation helps sowing and reaping run smoothly in Kingdom citizens’ lives. A cheerful giver who is also a cheerful receiver ensures everyone has their needs met at any given time. God never intended for anyone to experience lack.
2 Corinthians 8:14
14 But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality:
God is a giver by nature. It gives Him pleasure to provide for us (Psalm 35: 27). Remember, God is the source, and we are His vessels. Remember, Father Yah gives the gift, not the person. All righteous gifts come through us, not from us.
4. Saying No to Blessings Limits Your Resources
Uncheerful receivers run the risk of experiencing limited resources. What may happen if you consistently reject gifts? People may stop giving to you. You’ve conditioned others not to assist you. It’s like having an “I can do bad by myself” mindset. This mentality may result in no one reaching out to you when you need help. You may end up feeling bitterness, anger, or resentment.
Let your receiving keep up with your giving. Doing so keeps you replenished spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Keep the Law of Sowing and Reaping working together so you can enjoy a constant circulation of blessings in your life.
Some people love to give and hate to receive. However, in God’s Kingdom is just as essential to be a cheerful receiver as it is to be a cheerful giver. You violate God’s Law of Sowing and Reaping when you don’t receive. Any violation of Father Yah’s laws produces unwanted consequences. So, obedience to both sides of the law is essential.
Your obedience to both aspects of the Law of Sowing and Reaping keeps the blessings circulating. Cheerful receiver helps ensure everyone in the Kingdom gets what they need. Plus, positioning yourself as a cheerful receiver keeps your spiritual, emotional, and material resources replenished. Start today, and embrace the joy of receiving!
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