The prosperity gospel has done more harm than good for many Christians worldwide. This theology asserts that followers of Jesus should expect financial blessing and material wealth as signs of God’s favor.
While this might seem comforting, it can often distract people from true spiritual growth and an increasingly intimate relationship with Christ. Additionally, it emphasizes worldly success and possessions, taking one’s focus away from being a faithful follower and obedient servant of God.

Table of Contents
- Listen to the Podcast
- 1. Externalizes Your Power
- 2. Promotes a Lottery Mentality
- 3. Ignores the Fact That Faith Without Works Is Dead
- Outsmart the False Teachers
Listen to the Podcast
In the last episode, I addressed three “sins” of the Prosperity Gospel. IN THIS EPISODE of The Tithing Hoax podcast, I continue my discussion of the six ways the Prosperity Gospel does more harm than good to the Christian believer.
1. Externalizes Your Power
The Prosperity Gospel keeps Christians looking for God outside themselves even though the Kingdom of God/Heaven is within. In many cases, Christians look for God to change their situation when God has given THEM the power to make that change.
2. Promotes a Lottery Mentality
The Prosperity Gospel has Christians seeking a “quick-fix” or “get-rich-quick” approach to solving their problems. It leads them to believe they can “buy” their way into prosperity and wealth with their tithes, offerings, and seed sowing (i.e., giving money to Christian ministries).
3. Ignores the Fact That Faith Without Works Is Dead
The Prosperity Gospel teaches that tithing, giving offerings, and sowing financial seeds to Christian ministries are the works of faith that will release God’s blessings. The “work” required involves people making wise decisions and changing the negative habits or behaviors that prevent them from living a prosperous life.
Tune in as I reveal the other 3 “sins” of the Prosperity Gospel that prevent Christians from experiencing true prosperity.
Outsmart the False Teachers

Discover the hidden truth about tithes the prosperity preachers don’t want you to know.👉👉 Click here.