What’s the Difference Between Offerings and Free-Will Giving?

tithes and offering meaning

Offerings and free-will giving differ in the motivation behind the giving. An offering is a donation given out of obedience to Biblical principles, usually as part of a church’s weekly service. On the other hand, free-will giving happens without an underlying expectation of reward. You give back simply out of kindness. No matter what form […]

3 Powerful Prosperity Principles for Your Life – Part 2(a)

biblical prosperity principles

The Bible has much to say about prosperity and how it is achieved. In 2 Chronicles 31:21, we are given principles for living a prosperous life: seeking, obeying, and serving God. Seeking God can mean actively pursuing an understanding of His will through prayer and the study of Scripture. Obeying God means living a life […]

The Myth of the Monetary Tithe – Part 1

is a tithe 10 of gross or net

There’s a common misconception about what the Bible says about tithing, many believing it consists of giving a fixed percentage of their monthly income. But this is far from the truth. God never intended for Christians to tithe with money! Below, I provide an accurate description of the Lord’s tithe. Why the Monetary Tithe Is […]

Exposing the Seed Faith Doctrine

seed sowing in the bible

The seed faith doctrine is a false teaching based on a misinterpretation of the parable of the sower, as told in Matthew 13. The teaching claims that if one ‘sows a seed’—money—a physical ‘harvest’ will follow. The Bible encourages us to give. However, there’s no guarantee we’ll receive a return based on our own expectations. […]

Will God Accept Your Leftovers?

tithe from net or gross

I DID A YouTube video called “Stop Tithing, Start Giving,” in which I talked about Apostle Paul’s guidelines on giving. In the video, I highlighted the importance of giving from your abundance. A Lack of Faith A YouTube visitor disagreed with the notion of giving from your abundance. His position was that if you tithe […]

Why Tithe When Giving Is So Much Better?

giving to the church

There’s a clear difference between tithing and giving. In the Old Testament, a mandatory tithe was prescribed. This means God commanded the ancient Israelites to give 10% of their crops and livestock to the tribe of Levi. In contrast, under the New Testament giving is voluntary. Scripture encourages believers to give offerings out of their […]

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